Supporting Healthy Growth
For Youth


Substance Use Prevention Services

A unique source of youth programs, manuals, community outreach and training.

Indigenous Cultural Resource

Seeing Oneself® Taan Tel Oelnemiisi Program

This interactive youth program is supported by 5 components paired with a series of 3 illustrated youth and facilitator manuals. Each session starts with an Aboriginal Elders teaching to guide the Taan Tel Oelnemiisi learning process with participants. Elder Harry Francis, Cree of Piapot First Nation Saskatchewan, describes the process: “The physical taking care of themselves, the spiritual teachings, the emotional taking care of themselves, and the intellectual learnings around the impact of the personality dimension on decision-making, emotions, and behavior.”

The English translation of the Mi’kmaw phrase “Taan Tel Oelnemiisi” means “How I See the Good in Me,” as provided by Teacher and Knowledge Keeper Joan Milliea, Mi’kmaw of Elsipogtog First Nation, New Brunswick.

Sport-based Resource

Andrews Sports Institute Seeing Oneself® Personal Growth Program

This remote program is designed to enhance athletic and academic development. The 20-week Sport-based remote learning process features 4 key modules: Leadership Development, Goalie Homework, Passion Project, Reading Program

For more information | Sport-based Resources →

Community Outreach


In 2022, 8 Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Community Program Officers Indigenous participated in a remote 16-hour training course to promote delivery of the Seeing Oneself® Taan Tel Oelnemiisi Program to communities in ‘J’ Division. The RCMP course was facilitated in collaboration with Pagtesm and Associates Inc., Elsipogtog First Nation, New Brunswick. For more information about facilitator training please see Taan Tel Oelnemiisi.

For more information | Taan Tel Oelnemiisi →


Providing services to any population that might not otherwise have access is a priority. The YWCA Moncton offers education and employment, supportive housing, early learning and childcare, and innovative youth activities. In 2023, to increase access to services, the YWCA Moncton launched the Seeing Oneself® Taan Tel Oelnemiisi Program.

For more information | YWCA Community Outreach →